Please, any idea why deleting the secret does not work?
Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/builds/systemxy/actuator-sample'...
Checking out e503a7da as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ echo "$GOOGLE_KEY" > key.json
$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json
Activated service account credentials for: []
$ gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-c
Updated property [compute/zone].
$ gcloud config set project actuator-sample-224932
Updated property [core/project].
$ gcloud config set container/use_client_certificate True
Updated property [container/use_client_certificate].
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials actuator-sample
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for actuator-sample.
$ kubectl delete secret
**Error from server (Forbidden): secrets "" is forbidden: User "client" cannot delete secrets in the namespace "default"**
**ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1`enter code here**
It's kind of odd since gcloud container clusters get-credentials actuator-sample
should set the right credentials and the right context. However, it seems that you may have the wrong 'current context' in your ~/.kube/config
file. You can check with:
$ kubectl config get-contexts
Since it looks like you are using GKE, your current context should be something like this:
* gke_<project_name>_<region>-<cluster-name> gke_<project_name>_<region>-<cluster-name> gke_<project_name>_<region>-<cluster-name>
If not you have to choose that context:
$ kubectl config use-context gke_<project_name>_<region>-<cluster-name>