I'm starting a Kubernetes cluster of 3 nodes (1 master, 2 worker)
Trying to go by steps described in Ansible playbook - https://gitlab.com/LinarNadyrov/gcp/tree/master
Applying playbook steps 1,2,3 consequentially
After than, I connect to master to check status:
master NotReady master 17m v1.13.0
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
coredns-86c58d9df4-7jc4b 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m
coredns-86c58d9df4-929xf 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m
etcd-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-apiserver-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-controller-manager-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-flannel-ds-5jhbx 0/1 Pending 0 7h20m
kube-flannel-ds-wqfvs 0/1 Pending 0 7h20m
kube-proxy-gmngj 1/1 Running 2 7h27m
kube-proxy-ppbqp 1/1 Running 1 7h20m
kube-proxy-r2rn6 1/1 Running 1 7h20m
kube-scheduler-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
Status is NotReady
Could anyone help me with it? What's the problem? What should be done to fix it? Maybe I missed something?
Thanx in advance!
Линар Надыров the problem here is with your flannel yaml file. You did not specify any resources in the DaemonSet so there are no flannel pods spawning.
I did not check any further as it was enough reason why is this issue occurring. You can use this yaml if this is for testing purposes. Or edit your accordingly to the provided example.
In your file change the line 43 to:
shell: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml >> pod_network_setup.txt
You can find more about DaemonSets here.