kube-apiserver on OpenShift


I'm new to OpenShift and Kubernetes.

I need to access kube-apiserver on existing OpenShift environment

oc v3.10.0+0c4577e-1
kubernetes v1.10.0+b81c8f8

how do I know kube-apiserver is already installed, or how to get it installed?

I checked all the containers and there is no even such path /etc/kubernetes/manifests.

Here is the list of docker processes on all clusters, could it hide behind one of these?

k8s_fluentd-elasticseark8s_POD_logging k8s_POD_tiller-deploy k8s_api_master-api-ip-...ec2.internal_kube-system k8s_etcd_master-etcd-...ec2.internal_kube-system k8s_POD_master-controllers k8s_POD_master-api-ip- k8s_POD_kube-state k8s_kube-rbac-proxy k8s_POD_node-exporter k8s_alertmanager-proxy k8s_config-reloader k8s_POD_alertmanager_openshift-monitoring k8s_POD_prometheus k8s_POD_cluster-monitoring k8s_POD_heapster k8s_POD_prometheus k8s_POD_webconsole k8s_openvswitch k8s_POD_openshift-sdn k8s_POD_sync k8s_POD_master-etcd

-- Evgeny

1 Answer


If you just need to verify that the cluster is up and running then you can simply run oc get nodes which communicates with the kube-apiserver to retrieve information.

oc config view will show where kube-apiserver is hosted under the clusters -> cluster -> server section. On that host machine you can run command docker ps to display the running containers, which should include the kube-apiserver

-- Dimitri Vorobiev
Source: StackOverflow