AKS Get Access Profile In Java


I need to programmatically get the access profile for an AKS cluster from Java. I see that the REST API to do this is documented here. Is this API exposed in the azure java sdk? If so where? If not, I would have to use an http client and add the Bearer token in the header. But, how could I use the azure sdk to programmatically get a Bearer token for a particular client id and client secret?

-- ilooner

1 Answer


Not sure, maybe you can get AKS cluster access profile use the Java SDK userKubeConfigContent().

And you also can get the access token in the Java Code. See get the access token. And the code will like this:

// Request access token from AAD
AuthenticationResult result = getAccessTokenFromUserCredentials(
                    username, password);
// Get user info from Microsoft Graph
String userInfo = getUserInfoFromGraph(result.getAccessToken());

Hope this will help you.

-- Charles Xu
Source: StackOverflow