Docker containers takes too much time to process tasks


I am using 3 containers as microservices and RabbitMQ for communication b/w them. I am using azure VMs for running the container. The machine has 64 GB ram and 32 cores. The architecture is given below enter image description here

Container C1: A python web server just to receive request and small db operation Container C2: Processing but not intensive Container C3: Processing High Intensive tasks

When i try to process one web request it takes around 20 mins including all container (C3 takes around 90% of that). Then I tested with high cores machine (eg., 64 core, 128 GB RAM and 72 cores and 144 GB RAM) I was shocked to see that time also increases but I guess it should be less because there are large cpu cores.

Using htop I can see that C3 container uses all cores 100%. When i tried with multiple web requests (=10) time took to complete processing for one request is around 40-50 mins becuase they all are handled in parallel in C2 & C3. I dont see the use of large number of cpu cores in docker containers. Is there is any thing wrong with the architecture or should i start new containers for ever web request (C2 & C3).

-- Rajat Sharma

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