Kubernetes NGINX Ingress configmap 301 redirect


Using an NGINX Ingresss in Kubernetes, I can't see a way to forward my traffic from non-www to www, or to another domain etc on a per-host basis

I've tried looking in configmap docs but can't see what I need. Maybe it can go in the ingress itself?

I've also seen an example using annotations but this seems to be ingress-wide, so I couldn't have specific redirects per host

-- Ben Gannaway

1 Answer


Indeed a redirect is possible with a simple annotation:

But as you mentioned, it's "Ingress" wide and not configurable per host, per domain or even per path. So you'll have to do it yourself through the ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet annotation, which gives you a great deal of power thanks to regular expressions:

kind: Ingress
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  name: self-made-redirect
    ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
      if ($host = 'blog.yourdomain.com') {
        return 301 https://yournewblogurl.com;
      if ($host ~ ^(.+)\.yourdomain\.com$) {
        return 301 https://$1.anotherdomain.com$request_uri;
  - host: ...

If you are not quite used to NGINX, you'll know more about what's possible in the snippet, particularly what is the $host variable right in the NGINX documentation.

-- Clorichel
Source: StackOverflow