Ingress and Helm Chart HTTPS issue


subject refers, i am trying to configure the below with both HTTP and HTTPS redirection from ingress controller to WSO2 Tomcat container

HTTP is working fine and not HTTPS so i suspect some of the configuration or the RSA certificate installed incorrectly.

Q1) How to check the HTTPS connection from the LOG file from both ingress proxy level and tomcat level. Say, when i use browser to hit the URL, i can suppose able to see the logging or error from the printing from the LOG file.

Q2) From both ingress proxy and tomcat log file during "startup", what is the logging that the indicate the HTTPS services is working fine?

-- Banana Tech

1 Answer


You can find logs for your ingress in pod nginx-ingress-controller-somehash

You can check ingress-controller logs here: kubectl log nginx-ingress-controller-somehash

As I see you run tomcat inside kubernetes so tomcat log you can find: kubectl log tomcat-podname

You may found some errors or warnings that's should be the marker of work

-- Nick Rak
Source: StackOverflow