What are kubernetes or google kuberenetes engine "workloads"?



Im a little confused, the GCP kubernetes web console has a "workloads" section that seems to just have k8s "deployments". and In k8s documentations "workloads" is a section (empty): https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/

Are "workloads" an actual thing? Is there a "workloads" class? Or is workloads just used in the general sense of the term in the gke console and k8s documentation?

edit: ===============

Is there specific documentation for what google considers a GKE "workload" and a list of what will appear under the "Workloads" section of the GKE web console in gcp? Will the GCP "Workloads" section include only the following components? enter image description here

-- red888

2 Answers


https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads is not a page. It's a just path. You should take a look into the pages those are under this path link.

Kubernetes workloads means all of the followings that has a podspec and can run containers. It includes:

  • Deployment
  • StatefulSet
  • ReplicaSet
  • ReplicationController (will be depricate in future)
  • DaemonSet
  • Job
  • CronJob
  • Pod
-- Shudipta Sharma
Source: StackOverflow


It's a general term for ways to run "compute-ish stuff" on Kubernetes. The page in the Kubernetes docs is blank because it's only there for the table of contents tree on the left side of the page. As shown there, there are several types of Kubernetes objects that are generally a "workload". The simplest is a bare Pod, which is usually just a single container running somewhere. From there you have things like Deployments (multiple copies of a container), StatefulSets (multiple copies but with some special properties), Jobs ("run once" style stuff), and many more.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow