Parse specific application messages out of container logs with Fluentd on Kubernetes


I'm trying to parse messages from multiple applications from a single container inside a kubernetes pod using fluentd... Fluentd, Kibana and Elasticsearch are working well and I have all my logs showing up and am otherwise happy. However, I need to process a series of container log differently. In this case the logs I need to further parse are all in a single namespace. My container log looks something like the following:

somekeyword1 somenumber somestuff optionals
somekeyword2 somenumber somestuff optionals
somekeyword2 somenumber somestuff optionals
somekeyword1 somenumber somestuff optionals

I would like to process that log with a regex based on the original somekeywordN (but am open to suggestions) So within fluentd, how do I perform that level of processing on a log message for containers in a particular namespace?

I've tried this:
but even given that, I'm not sure how to run my regexes on a particular log

-- Ryan

2 Answers


If you are using Elasticsearch version 5 or above , I would suggest using the Ingest APIs and apply Grok Filtering on your log data using its Grok Processor.

If you are using a previous version of Elastic stack , you can also try to use Logstash to achieve the same.

You might also find this article helpful ( Disclaimer - the article is posted my me on Medium sometime back.)

-- fatcook
Source: StackOverflow


Fleutnd has a build in regex parser you can use.

Simply add the following snippet under you filter section of the config

  @type regexp
  expression /^(?<key1>somekeyword.) (?<key2>.+) (?<key3>.+) /

Or, if you need to match using multiple regex, this is the plugin I use:

-- Karis
Source: StackOverflow