Is it possible to turn the kubernetes feature on in docker-for-windows with automation?


I am working on an ansible based dev-bootstrap project. I'd like to be able to enable the kubernetes from the docker role, but i cant seem to find a way to do so. I searched the registry for docker and kubernetes, nothing jumped out. I also checked for a daemon.json, but none is present even though i have kubernetes enabled (manually). Does anyone know if there is a way to make this happen?

-- Lucas

1 Answer


Not sure if this is all you need, but when toggling the enable Kubernetes option it writes to the settings.json. There is also a Kubernetes Initial install step, so this might not be enough, but I would try see if it picks it up, needs a restart or doesn't work at all...

function Enable-DockerKubernetes {
    param ()
    try {
        $settings = "$env:AppData\Docker\settings.json"
        $dockerSettings = ConvertFrom-Json ( Get-Content $settings  -Raw -ErrorAction Stop)
        if (!$dockerSettings.KubernetesEnabled) {
            Write-Verbose ("Enabling Kubernetes in {0}." -f $settings)
            $dockerSettings.KubernetesEnabled = $true
            $dockerSettings | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $settings -ErrorAction Stop 
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Already enabled!"
    catch {
        Write-Error $_

The installer for Docker CE doesn't seem to support passing in installer options according to this issue which just went stale and got closed.

You might want to open a new issue specifically about this use case.

-- CJ Harmath
Source: StackOverflow