Does Helm (or Kubernetes) caches charts?


I have a chart for Helm that works fine.

I updated couple lines of "template" files to have it set up differently and ran helm install -n <relaese name> <char dir>.

But I found that change never gets applied.

when I tried helm install --dry-run --debug, I don't see my updates. (It might be getting the chart from remote ...)

Does Helm cache stuff? I wasn't able to find anything about it...

I am trying to setup hdfs on my cluster using this link

-- Brandon Lee

2 Answers


It is possible to make changes to a chart that do not make difference to the application when it runs or even that are not included in the Kubernetes resources that are generated (e.g. a change within an if block whose condition evaluates to false). You can use '--dry-run --debug' to see what the template evaluates to and check whether your change is present in the Kubernetes resources that would result from the chart installation. This gives you a quick way to check a chart change without it being installed.

If you were publishing the chart then you could see a delay between publishing and getting it from the hosted repo and might need to run helm repo update but you seem to be using the chart source code directly so I would not expect any delay.

-- Ryan Dawson
Source: StackOverflow


I found that I had to rebuild dependency after I make a changes

-- Brandon Lee
Source: StackOverflow