Can't create a database in OrientDB distributed mode


I setup OrientDB (3.0.10) in a distributed mode with Kubernetes. I try to populate the database of each pod with some data. So I ran the console on one of the nodes and tried to create the database and this was the output:

   orientdb> create database remote:localhost/Test root rootpwd PLOCAL
    Creating database [remote:localhost/Test] using the storage type [PLOCAL]...
    Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot create the remote storage: Test
    Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Cannot open database 'Test'
    Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException: No active nodes found to execute command: from OUser where name = ? limit 1
orientdb {server=remote:localhost/Test}> 

The folder for the database is created on this node and other nodes of the cluster:

|Name                   |Status|Databases                  |Conns|StartedOn|Binary         |HTTP           |UsedMemory              |
|orientdbservice-1      |ONLINE|Test=ONLINE (MASTER)       |5    |11:50:22 |||283.58MB/1.93GB (14.32%)|
|orientdbservice-2      |ONLINE|Test=NOT_AVAILABLE (MASTER)|4    |11:50:31 |||265.17MB/1.93GB (13.39%)|
|orientdbservice-0(*)(@)|ONLINE|Test=NOT_AVAILABLE (MASTER)|4    |11:50:12 |||288.95MB/1.93GB (14.60%)|

However, when I try to connect through the console to the database from each of the nodes I get an error:

orientdb> connect remote:localhost/Test root rootpwd
Connecting to database [remote:localhost/Test] with user 'root'...
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Cannot open database 'Test'
    DB name="Test"
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Cannot open database 'Test'
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed.ODistributedException: No active nodes found to execute command: from OUser where name = ? limit 1
orientdb {server=remote:localhost/Test}>

And this message appears in the logs of the cluster:

INFO  [orientdbservice-0] Trying to recover current server for database 'Test'... [OClusterHealthChecker]
SEVER [orientdbservice-0] Cannot install database 'Test' on local node, because no servers are available [ODistributedAbstractPlugin$3]
INFO  [orientdbservice-0] Recover cannot be completed for database 'Test' [OClusterHealthChecker]
INFO  [orientdbservice-0] Trying to recover current server for database 'Test'... [OClusterHealthChecker]

What could be the reason of such behavior? Should I fix something in the cluster configurations? I followed this tutorial

-- Cassie

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