Committed Usage cost more than non-comitted usage Kubernetes Engine


Through the pricing calculator, the kubernetes engine running on f1-micro (3 years comitted) shows more running cost than non-comitted usage f1-micro.

Is there something wrong with the pricing calculator or Kubernetes Engine automatically switched to standard instance when running comitted usage?

Comitted usage

comitted usage

Non-comitted usage

non-comitted usage

-- Natthapol Vanasrivilai

1 Answer


You can not grab any of the tiers less than n1-standard1 for committed use.

You cannot apply committed use discounts for f1-micro machine types, g1-small machine types, or the sole-tenant premium charge.

I bet the calculator does something silly like, tried to lookup the rules for a micro discount. Since it doesn't apply lists the full price. While the non-commit looks at the monthly hourly rate and determines a sustained use discount(30%) and applies that.

-- FridayPush
Source: StackOverflow