What is the network solution for Kubernetes in docker for Windows?


Kubernetes has many networking solutions (flannel, calico, contrail). I'm using Kubernetes installed from docker-for-windows and I cannot figure out what networking solution is applied out of the box.

Can anyone please point me out to how to find this?

-- vicpada

1 Answer


Out of the box is a work in progress as of this writing, you'll have to configure your own. For example ToR (Top of the rack). The solutions are described here.

Basically, this (quoted from the docs):

  1. Upstream L3 Routing - IP routes configured in upstream ToR

  2. Host-Gateway - IP routes configured on each host

  3. Open vSwitch (OVS) & Open Virtual Network (OVN) with Overlay - overlay networks (supports STT and Geneve tunneling types)

  4. [Future - In Review] Overlay - VXLAN or IP-in-IP encapsulation using Flannel

  5. [Future] Layer-3 Routing with BGP (Calico)

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow