GCP unexpected API calls


I am getting unexpected GCP charges relating to Virtual Machines. The customer service representative is yet to get back to me and I want to avoid cancelling billing if possible so I thought I would ask here.

I have a Kubernetes Cluster that was running a couple of nodes. Then I decided that I wanted to pause my project for a couple of months, so I scaled the cluster size to 0 with the expectation that I wouldn't be charged for running any VM isntances. However, I am still getting these charges even though the GCP console shows that I haven't got any VM instances running... Oddly, the API Dashboard shows that Compute Engine API calls are being made, which doesn't make sense because I don't have any VM isntances.

The Kubernetes Dashboard also says I have 0 nodes...

Could someone please suggest any ideas as to how I can get to the bottom of this?


-- Harry Stuart

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