How to restart Zuul service in Kubernetes cluster


I have a Kubernetes cluster with one master node and two slave nodes. I have deployed Eureka server and Zuul on it. Both of them have two replicas, one on each node. I have used Zuul here to enable load balancing among both the nodes.

In order to make Zuul work with Eureka, it is needed to register Zuul with Eureka. Eureka server is deployed using the 'springcloud/eureka' docker hub repository and Zuul is deployed using 'netflixoss/zuul' repository.

The Zuul pod has a in which I have specified the eureka URL to register. But it is not showing in the Eureka dashboard. Hence, I decided to restart Zuul service in the Kubernetes cluster but the way I restarted it, is removing all the configuration I have put on additionally in Zuul to connect with Eureka.

Can anybody tell me how we can restart the Zuul service in the containers without removing the additional configuration that I had done?

-- Aditya Datta

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