check if list contains item in Helm chart


I have a chart that I want to deploy if a certain value is in a list of values. I've tried the following

{{if .Release.Namespace in .Values.Namespaces }}
   <chart goes here>
{{ end }}

where the values file used contains the following


but i get an error function "in" not defined

Searching the interwebs I've been unable to find what the proper syntax is for checking if a value exists in a list in helm.

-- Anders Martini

1 Answer


You can use the has function from the sprig functions library which is used by Helm. Please note however that there's an issue with the documentation of the function (the order of the parameters is wrong). In your case should be something like this:

{{if has .Release.Namespace .Values.Namespaces }}
   <chart goes here>
{{ end }}
-- João Antunes
Source: StackOverflow