I am trying to run a kubernetes cluster on mac os for some prototyping using docker (not vagrant or virtualbox).
I found the instructions online at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.0/docs/getting-started-guides/docker.md but the instructions are 3 years old (Oct 2015).
The instructions refer to boot2docker but the present version of docker on mac (Docker Community Edition v 18.06.1-ce-mac73) doesn't have boot2docker.
Can you point me to the latest instructions?
Adding to other answers.
As of this writing, use minikube with the Hyperkit driver.
As stated on the link:
The Hyperkit driver will eventually replace the existing xhyve driver
Since 2015, everything has been move to the Kubernetes website GitHub repo.
The full installation/process page is now at kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/
And since issue 7307, a Kubernetes installation on MacOs would no longer use xHyve, but, as stated in the documentation:
macOS: VirtualBox or VMware Fusion, or HyperKit.