I have a single node K8s cluster in Azure using AKS. I created a deployment and a service using a simple command:
kubectl run php-apache --image=pilchard/hpa-example:latest --requests=cpu=200m,memory=300M --expose --port=80
And enabled HPA via command: kubectl autoscale deployment php-apache --cpu-percent=10 --min=1 --max=15
Upon running kubectl describe hpa php-apache
, I see an error saying:
horizontal-pod-autoscaler unable to get metrics for resource cpu: unable to fetch metrics from API: the server could not find the requested resource (get pods.metrics.k8s.io)
horizontal-pod-autoscaler failed to get cpu utilization: unable to get metrics for resource cpu: unable to fetch metrics from API: the server could not find the requested resource (get pods.metrics.k8s.io)
And CPU metric is unknown upon running kubectl get hpa
. Any help would be really appreciated.
My AKS kube version is v1.9.11
You either need to install the heapster(Deprecated) or the metrics-server minimally to be able to use an HPA.
This provides the minimum set of CPU and Memory metrics to be able to autoscale. A good way to see if you have either installed is that if you get this kind output from kubectl top pod
$ kubectl top pod
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
http-svc-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx 1m 7Mi
myapp-pod 0m 53Mi
sleep-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx 4m 27Mi