What API client is recommended for Kubernetes for NodeJS?


I am using AKS(Azure k8),need k8s node.js client for this options

Kill pod by name
Change deployments pods count
Restart all deployments pods

I need only for this functions, witch lib is best for this?

Please also provide examples using lib for some of this functions.

Thank you


I liked this one Node.js (TypeScript) github.com/Goyoo/node-k8s-client,can you provide more information about service account and access ?

-- Grigor

2 Answers

-- Arslanbekov
Source: StackOverflow


Here is the full list of all the client libraries.


You will need to create a service account , and role binding to configure the proper permissions to do these operations from the client library.

node.js specific libraries:

Node.js (TypeScript) github.com/Goyoo/node-k8s-client

Node.js github.com/tenxcloud/node-kubernetes-client

Node.js github.com/godaddy/kubernetes-client

Basic Example ( Using godaddy client)

/* eslint no-console:0 */
// Demonstrate some of the basics.
const Client = require('kubernetes-client').Client;
const config = require('kubernetes-client').config;

const deploymentManifest = require('./nginx-deployment.json');

async function main() {
  try {
    const client = new Client({ config: config.fromKubeconfig(), version: '1.9' });

    // Get all the Namespaces.
    const namespaces = await client.api.v1.namespaces.get();
    console.log('Namespaces: ', namespaces);

    // Create a new Deployment.
    const create = await client.apis.apps.v1.namespaces('default').deployments.post({ body: deploymentManifest });
    console.log('Create: ', create);

    // Fetch the Deployment we just created.
    const deployment = await client.apis.apps.v1.namespaces('default').deployments(deploymentManifest.metadata.name).get();
    console.log('Deployment: ', deployment);

    // Change the Deployment Replica count to 10

    const replica = {
      spec: {
        replicas: 10

    const replicaModify = await client.apis.apps.v1.namespaces('default').deployments(deploymentManifest.metadata.name).patch({ body: replica });
    console.log('Replica Modification: ', replicaModify);

    // Modify the image tag
    const newImage = {
      spec: {
        template: {
          spec: {
            containers: [{
              name: 'nginx',
              image: 'nginx:1.8.1'
    const imageSet = await client.apis.apps.v1.namespaces('default').deployments(deploymentManifest.metadata.name).patch({ body: newImage });
    console.log('New Image: ', imageSet);

    // Remove the Deployment we created.
    const removed = await client.apis.apps.v1.namespaces('default').deployments(deploymentManifest.metadata.name).delete();
    console.log('Removed: ', removed);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Error: ', err);

-- Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Source: StackOverflow