I am using kubectl with bash completion
, but I prefer to use a shorter alias for kubectl
such as ks
, what changes I need to make to get the bash completion work with alias ks
Just to complement the awnser of endline (his solution works just works in active session of shell, if you close, you have to reexecute) and maybe help someone with the same trouble I was getting.
You can add it to the shell permanently using the structure above from the documentation
echo 'alias k=kubectl' >>~/.bashrc (add alias to shell)
echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc (add comopletion)
echo 'complete -F __start_kubectl k' >>~/.bashrc (make them work together)
So, you execute commands like 'k get logs -n my-namespace -f my-p[TAB]' (to complete name of pod for example).
from the official docs
# after installing bash completion
alias k=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl k
You can basically do this:
$ echo "source <(kubectl completion bash | sed 's|__start_kubectl kubectl|__start_kubectl ks|g') >> ~/.bashrc
A slight change from what is described here
In essence, you are substituting the following in the kubectl completion bash
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
complete -o default -F __start_kubectl kubectl
complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_kubectl kubectl
With this:
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
complete -o default -F __start_kubectl ks
complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_kubectl ks
I have this in my .bashrc to get alias and auto completion.
source <(kubectl completion bash | sed s/kubectl/k/g)