How to check reason for Helm install failure


I wanted to bring up zookeeper using helm install ., but it says Error: release <servicename> failed: services "zookeeper" already exists. I don't see anything if I execute helm listtoo. Before installing the service, I checked using helm list if it already exists, and it doesn't.

How to check the reason for failure?

-- Bitswazsky

3 Answers


So, I finally got it working. Looks like there were some errors in my yaml file. But in this process I learnt how to properly cleanup a minikube instance. I executed the following commands to bring up a fresh minikube instance, in case anybody faces similar issue. This was done on CentOS 7. Thanks to @Ijaz for pointing me to the right direction.

minikube stop && minikube delete && rm -rf ~/.minikube && rm -rf ~/.kube
rm -rf /etc/kubernetes/
rm -rf /var/lib/minikube/certs/
minikube start --vm-driver=none
-- Bitswazsky
Source: StackOverflow


Option 01

Access the ETCD for minikube , find and clean up the key.

Detailed procedure is here


Option 02 ( will lose the existing stuff )

Stop minikube

Remove the kube direcotry in user home ~/.minikube

Start a fresh minikube

-- Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Source: StackOverflow


Do helm list --all -

Then if you have a conflicting release then probably need to delete the release again with the --purge flag

But it could possibly be that you have a Service object named zookeeper that isn't part of a helm release or that hasn't been cleaned up. You can check with kubectl get services (or add the --all-namespaces flag if it might be in a different namespace from your context). If so then you'll want to delete resources directly with kubectl delete

-- Ryan Dawson
Source: StackOverflow