Making logs available to Stackdriver from a Custom Kubernetes docker container running Apache and PHP-FPM


We are running a small test cluster of Custom Kubernetes pods on Google cloud, that internally are running Apache and PHP-FPM.

The Cluster has the following key config:

  • Master version: 1.10.6-gke.2
  • Kubernetes alpha features: Disabled
  • Total size: 3
  • StackDriver Logging: Enabled
  • StackDriver Monitoring: Enabled

Once the cluster comes up a kubectl get pods --all-namespaces is showing the fluentd and heapster services running along side our services as I would expect.

kube-system   event-exporter-v0.2.1-5f5b89fcc8-r89d5                           2/2       Running   0          13d
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-scaler-7c5db745fc-gbrqx                              1/1       Running   0          21d
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.0-76mr4                                         2/2       Running   0          13d
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.0-kl4xp                                         2/2       Running   0          13d
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.0-vxsq5                                         2/2       Running   0          13d
kube-system   heapster-v1.5.3-95c7549b8-fdlmm                                  3/3       Running   0          13d
kube-system   kube-dns-788979dc8f-c9v2d                                        4/4       Running   0          99d
kube-system   kube-dns-788979dc8f-rqp7d                                        4/4       Running   0          99d
kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-79b4b844b9-zjtwk                             1/1       Running   0          99d

We can get the logging from our application code (that runs inside our pods) to show up in Stackdriver Logging, but we want to aggregate the logging for Apache (/var/log/httpd/access_log and error_log) and PHP-FPM in Stackdriver as well.

This page from Google's Docs implies that this should be enabled by default.

Note: Stackdriver Logging is enabled by default when you create a new cluster using the gcloud command-line tool or Google Cloud Platform Console.

However that is obviously not the case for us. We have tried a few different approaches to get this to work (listed below), but without success.


It didn't appear that this step should be required as the documentation implies that you only need to do this on a VM instance, but we tried it anyway on our k8s pods. As part of this step we made sure that Apache has mod_status enabled (/server-status) and PHP-FPM has /fpm-status enabled, and then installed the module Apache plugin following the docs.

This seems like it should be a simple thing to do, but we have obviously missed something. Any help would be most appreciated.

Cheers, Julian Cone

-- Jules Cone

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