vault for kubernetes (vault-operator)


I'm trying to find a suitable vault to use for Kubernetes itself and apps that will run on containers. By far many resources point to Hashicorp vault. There exists a vault operator by CoreOS for that but it seems abandoned since April.

We run Kubernetes on AWS with EKS.

Any suggestions what would be possible choices to use? I'm interested a lot to see what are the top choices that are used the most today for this purpose.

Thank you!


-- Greg Hill

2 Answers


I've tried to setup CoreOS Vault Operator! using helm The Vault operator will provision the vault pods for us. But I found that is it difficult to add more configuration for vault. For example, if you want to integrate Vault with AWS KMS.

After considering, I decided to use Vault! with Consul storage backend and AWS KMS. The vault pods will have consul agents running as sidecar containers.

Here is a part of configuration

    address: "localhost:8500"
    path: vault
    region: "us-east-1"
    kms_key_id: "XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ"

Our usecase is that using vault to manage our dynamic secrets in k8s

-- cua dong
Source: StackOverflow


The CoreOS Vault operator is beta as of this writing. I would not recommend using it in prod yet. There's also a Bootsport Vault Operator but doesn't seem to be prod ready either.

IMO, as of now, you are better off running standalone Vault Kubernetes Deployments or a StatefulSet. You can use something like this or this to get yourself started. Note: still use it at your own risk.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow