I am trying to create a Pod in Kubernetes using curl
This is the YAML:
cat > nginx-pod.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx1
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
I have token with permissions to do it and I wrote the following curl
curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' --data '{"name":"","namespace":"default","content":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: Pod\nmetadata:\n name: nginx1\nspec:\n containers:\n - name: nginx\n image: nginx:1.7.9\n ports:\n - containerPort: 80\n","validate":true}'
Which should be equivalent to the nginx-pod.yaml
The YAML is ok because when I runkubectl create -f nginx.pod.yaml
it creates it.
But when I tried to run it with curl
I received:
< Content-Length: 617
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"status": "Failure",
"message": "Pod \"\" is invalid: [metadata.name: Required value: name or generateName is required, spec.containers: Required value]",
"reason": "Invalid",
"details": {
"kind": "Pod",
"causes": [
"reason": "FieldValueRequired",
"message": "Required value: name or generateName is required",
"field": "metadata.name"
"reason": "FieldValueRequired",
"message": "Required value",
"field": "spec.containers"
"code": 422
* Connection #0 to host left intact
I tried to change the Content-Type
to Content-type: text/x-yaml
but it didn't help.
Any idea what can be the reason?
One of the errors is regarding the "metadata.name" field.
The payloads don't seem equivalent.
This is the JSON payload you are sending:
"name": "",
"namespace": "default",
"content": "apiVersion: v1\nkind: Pod\nmetadata:\n name: nginx1\nspec:\n containers:\n - name: nginx\n image: nginx:1.7.9\n ports:\n - containerPort: 80\n",
"validate": true
Your payload should be something like this. I created this with kubectl convert -f <yaml.file> -o=json
, which is what I believe kubectl
does before sending the payload.
"kind": "Pod",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "nginx1",
"creationTimestamp": null
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx:1.7.9",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"protocol": "TCP"
"resources": {},
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"securityContext": {},
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler"
"status": {}
Tried this and it works fine for me:
curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' -d@payload.json
make sure you set content type to application/yaml, and use --binary-data with yaml… --data drops newlines