Question about installing Calico for Kubernetes


I have two questions:


  • I am trying to set up Kubernetes on my home network with a single Master and Single Minion (plus tainting the Master so it can run Pods).
  • I am using kubeadm for the installation.
  • I want to use Calico for the CNI.
  • The home LAN has a subnet CIDR of
  • I am installing Calico using the "etcd datastore" method.

Calico has a default Pod Network CIDR of and the doco states it must not overlap with the physical network. I can change that setting in calico.yaml, but the documentation also states to configure the etc_endpoints.

Q1. Why do I need to configure the etcd_endpoint?

Q2. Where do I find the value?

-- Bryon

1 Answer


If you want to use Calico, you must use a different IP range for your home LAN because Calico uses network. You can change your home network to or smaller or to As an alternative you can choose another CNI for you cluster. Changing CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR in YAML is not enough. The IP range is used in many places.


You don't need to pre-configure it if you use default values, only check if it’s the right endpoint. From the file provided by kubernetes docs:

# Calico Version v3.1.3
# This manifest includes the following component versions:
#   calico/node:v3.1.3
#   calico/cni:v3.1.3

# This ConfigMap is used to configure a self-hosted Calico installation.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: calico-config
  namespace: kube-system
  # To enable Typha, set this to "calico-typha" *and* set a non-zero value for Typha replicas
  # below.  We recommend using Typha if you have more than 50 nodes. Above 100 nodes it is
  # essential.
  typha_service_name: "none"

  # The CNI network configuration to install on each node.
  cni_network_config: |-

There is no need for etcd_endpoints because it is used as a Kubernetes cluster etcd.

in official Calico doc new version of Calico.


# Calico Version v3.2.3
# This manifest includes the following component versions:
#   calico/node:v3.2.3
#   calico/cni:v3.2.3
#   calico/kube-controllers:v3.2.3

# This ConfigMap is used to configure a self-hosted Calico installation.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: calico-config
  namespace: kube-system
  # Configure this with the location of your etcd cluster.
  etcd_endpoints: ""

  # If you're using TLS enabled etcd uncomment the following.
  # You must also populate the Secret below with these files.
  etcd_ca: ""   # "/calico-secrets/etcd-ca"
  etcd_cert: "" # "/calico-secrets/etcd-cert"
  etcd_key: ""  # "/calico-secrets/etcd-key"
  # Configure the Calico backend to use.
  calico_backend: "bird"

In the newest version of Calico you need to provide etcd_endpoints manually to any free IP, from the services IP pool, or if you use the default settings you can leave it as it is. It will be a new etcd which will be started for Calico needs. and you can change your pod CIDR to any pool. It works now, I`ve just checked it.

-- Nick Rak
Source: StackOverflow