We are pulling images from a private ECR (AWS) running Kubernetes that ships with Docker for Mac (minikube). We have a secret called aws-cred
. I created it using:
kubectl create secret docker-registry aws-creds --docker-server=OUR-ACCOUNT.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --docker-username=AWS --docker-password=SUPER_LONG_TOKEN --docker-email=foo@bar.com
together with this in my deployments:
SUPER_LONG_TOKEN I get from running:
aws ecr get-login --region eu-central-1 --profile default --no-include-email
Of course the token expires after a few hours and I tried to refresh the secret. First I deleted the secret:
kubectl delete secret aws-creds
Then basically repeated the steps above, fetching a fresh token. However I noticed, that I still cannot pull from our ECR getting a AWS ECR: no basic auth credentials
error in minikube.
When I repeat the process, but I rename the secret, i.e. to aws-creds-2
, everything works. I suspect there is some kind of caching in place. Indeed I verified this by using:
kubectl get secret aws-cred --output="jsonpath={.data.\.dockerconfigjson}" | base64 --decode
and I can see that the password
value stays the same, even after deleting and re-creating the secret. This is a bit unintuitive to me, how should I update my secret instead?
I've been using this solution for a few months without issues. It runs inside your cluster and keeps your secret refreshed. https://github.com/upmc-enterprises/registry-creds