How to check if kubernetes job is successful or failure using client go library


There are lot of fields out there in the library but it basically talks about job finished or not, but how to check if a job is finished and successful or job is finished and failure

if con.Type == v1.JobComplete && con.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue && job.Status.Succeeded > 0 {
    fmt.Printf("Job: %v Completed Successfully: %v\n", name, con)
} else if con.Type == v1.JobFailed && con.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
    if job.Status.Active == 0 && job.Status.Succeeded == 0 {
        fmt.Printf("Job: %v Failed: %v\n", name, con)

This is how I am checking now, I am not completely sure this is correct

-- Coding Ninja

1 Answer


You can use just the Active, Succeeded and Failed variables to know the status of the job.


    batchClient := kubernetesapi.BatchV1()
    jobClient := batchClient.Jobs(NameSpace)

    job, _ := jobClient.Get(jobName, metav1.GetOptions{})

    if job.Status.Active > 0 {
    return "Job is still running"

    } else {
      if job.Status.Succeeded > 0 {
       return "Job Successful"
       return "Job failed"

This should take care of any number of retries to the job if you are using backOffLimit as more than 1.

-- Bharath
Source: StackOverflow