access application receive not found do i've to setup a domaine name


I've made all files (deployment, pods, services, ingress ) to install an application. When I go to https://{POD_NAME}/moddev1/auth, I get the message

404 Not Found

from nginx.

I guess that the message is coming from nginx ingress.
All the informations are sent to the port 443. Currently, I've the following pods running {xx98, xx97}.

Do I have to set a specific domain name to access to this application?

I'm a little bit lost at the moment... :(

-- morla

2 Answers


the solution to my issue was

i make a mistake when i set serviceName on ingress the good one was serviceName: https-cas

Also i set my domain now i cans access

  - hosts:
    - cloud.devlan.efg.corp  
    - cas.devlan.efg.corp
    secretName: cloud-devlan-efg-corp-cert

if you have the error 404 when you try to access to your web page that mean you access until the proxy Nginx and your mistake is on ingress file . Maybe the same as me ;)

-- morla
Source: StackOverflow


The ‘404’ is a good thing as the POD is being found. It seems the error is that it can't find the ‘/moddev1/’ path. Found the same issue at [1] with a workaround that you should try.


-- Germán A.
Source: StackOverflow