I'm trying to create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. I've installed all the dependencies and done the kubeadm init. kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address= --pod-network-cidr= I even got the command to join the node to the cluster. I have two problems: 1. I get nodes in the notReady status when i do kubectl get nodes 1 why is that so? 2. Two of my codedns pods are stuck in containercreating state 2 Why is this happening?
According to the screenshots attached, I assume that you didn't deploy any CNI network into your cluster; as a result, coredns Pods are in failed status.
I recommend installing one of the Pod network addons from the link above. In case of any re-occurred issue, try to bootstrap cluster from scratch. You can find a good article here with detailed instruction for kubeadm
installation procedure published by @VKR.
In case of any errors during the installation, post them below this answer.