Trigger a shell script in Azure


I'm using a Kubernetes cluster in Azure running an ingress controller. The ingress controller routes to different services via a given context root.

To add another service and connect it to my ingress I build a simple shell script looking like this:

kubectl apply -f  $1'-svc.yaml'
some script magic here to add a new route in the hello-world-ingress.json
kubectl apply -f 'hello-world-ingress.json'

I tested the script on my local machine and everything works as expected. Now I want to trigger the script with an HTTP rest call on Azure.

Does anyone have an idea how to do that? So far I know:

  1. I need the Azure cli with Kubernetes to run the kubectl command

  2. I need something to build the HTTP trigger. I tried using AzureFunctions, but I wasn't able to install the Azure cli in Azure Functions on the Azure Portal and I wasn't able to install Azure cli + Azure Functions in a Docker Container.

Does anyone have an idea how to trigger my shell script via HTTP in Azure in an environment where the Azure cli exists?

-- hansiwusti

1 Answer


The easiest way, in my opinion, is to set up an Azure instance with kubectl and the Azure cli configured to talk to your cluster and on that same server setup something like shell2http. For example:

shell2http -export-all-vars /mybash ""
shell2http -form /apply "kubectl apply -f  $v'-svc.yaml'"
shell2http -export-all-vars /domore ""

Where $v above is the name of your deployment.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow