Ambassador metric representing request process time


I have Ambassador deployed with Istio. StatsD exporter is in place and Grafana dashboard 4698 (

But it seems there is no metric simply showing the time taken to get a response.

envoy_listener_0_0_0_0_80_downstream_cx_length_ms - has confusing values( with all quantiles) http_request_duration_microseconds - when converted to milliseconds gives values like 10-20 ms (0.5 - 0.99 quantile) and this is not real either.

Only 2 metrics are working properly: envoy_cluster_cluster_ext_auth_upstream_rq_time envoy_cluster_cluster_ext_ratelimit_upstream_rq_time

But these are showing time taken to process request by authentication and ratelimiting services.

How can I get time taken to process whole request? From the moment it hit Ambassador to the moment response was received?

-- Onoxider

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