Hide Completed and other finished pods by default


In my professional environment it is common for "completed" pods to outnumber active ones and they often clutter the output of kubectl get pods like so:

$ kubectl get pods
finished-pod-38163    0/1 Completed    2m
errored-pod-83023     0/1 Error        2m
running-pod-20899     1/1 Running      2m

I can filter them out using --show-all=false:

$ kubectl get pods --show-all=false
running-pod-20899     1/1 Running      2m

However I would prefer not to have to type out --show-all=false every time I want to see my running pods. Is it possible to configure kubectl to disable --show-all by default rather than having it enabled by default?

From kubectl get pods --help:

-a, --show-all=true: When printing, show all resources (default show all pods
                     including terminated one.)

I know I could create some shell alias kgetpo, but this would remove support for tab-completion so I'd prefer native solutions if they exist.

-- Cory Klein

1 Answer


You can create something like this:

kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase==Running
-- New User 77
Source: StackOverflow