setting up monitoring within the namespace of Kubernetes


We have a kubernetes cluster for the entire organisation. And there are namespaces for individual teams to host their projects in that cluster. The problem seems to be monitoring individual namespace. Since we have only access to our namespace we can't setup any monitoring for the PODs, containers, or the nodes on which our pods are residing. Is there any way to accomplish monitoring of only the things within the namespace without bothering the kubernetes cluster?

-- user3668330

1 Answer


Monitoring should be provided on central level for all the basics of the cluster and more, but sure, you just need limited scope. If you deploy prometheus and configure only targets in your namespace you should be ok. Same goes for any other solutions.

For reference see

# Optional namespace discovery. If omitted, all namespaces are used.
    [ - <string> ]
-- Radek 'Goblin' Pieczonka
Source: StackOverflow