Does OpenEBS support arm64 architecture?


Is there any development for the arm64 support for openebs? Github link show this will support in 0.6 version. Does any private repo from that blog post or do you have official arm64 support now? I have 4 Pine64 at home (1 master, 3 nodes with k8s 1.11.3) with the nodes having a 2 TB usb disk attached each. I would like to use OpenEBS for provisioning persistent volumes for my own Nextcloud installation.

-- Ranjith Raveendran

1 Answer


Experimental version is available if you like and instructions are described here in the blog link to install OpenEBS on arm64. Build available on the article should work on Pine64. Currently arm64 is not included in build setup, official support is planned post v.1.0 release.

-- Ajesh
Source: StackOverflow