I am running Apache Drill and Zookeeper on a Kubernetes cluster.
Drill is connecting to zookeeper through a zookeeper-service running on port 2181. I am trying the persist storage plugin configuration on zookeeper. On the Apache Drill docs (https://drill.apache.org/docs/persistent-configuration-storage/), it is given that sys.store.provider.zk.blobroot key needs to be added to drill-override.conf property. But I am not able to figure out a value for this key if I want to connect it to Zookeeper service in Kubernetes.
This is an optional config. You can specify it to modify where the ZooKeeper PStore provider offloads query profile data [1] or you can remove this property from your drill-override.conf
and restart drillbits.
[1] http://doc.mapr.com/display/MapR/Persistent+Configuration+Storage
The value should be:
That's how services get resolved internally in Kubernetes. You can always test it by creating a Pod, connecting to is using kubectl exec -it <pod-name> sh
, and running:
ping <name-of-your-zk-service>.<namespace-where-zk-is-running>.svc.cluster.local
Hope it helps!