Termination grace period for a full Kubernetes emptyDIr?


As far as I can tell, if a Kubernetes pod fills an emptyDir volume that has a sizeLimit, the pod is immediately evicted, without following normal termination procedure. (terminationGracePeriodSeconds, et cetera)

Is there a way to set a soft eviction threshold for an emptyDir volumes so that it does follow normal termination procedures?

If not, does anybody have a good suggestion on how to build an appropriate livenessProbe? df shows disk free for the underlying disk, not the emptyDir, and du can be quite expensive.

-- Bryan Larsen

1 Answer


You can tweak your soft eviction thresholds for the kubelet

There are 3 parameters eviction-soft, eviction-soft-grace-period, and eviction-max-pod-grace-period

More info here

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow