JFrog XRay deployed on Kubernetes with Helm chart cannot connect to RabbitMQ


After installing the Helm chart, the components "mongodb", "postgres" and "rabbitmq" startup successfully.

However, all 4 XRay microservices fail to start because they cannot connect to RabbitMQ:

[06:06:11 UTC 2018/09/07] [INFO] (jfrog.com/xray/mongo.EnsureDbSchema:9) Initializing mongo db schema...
[06:06:11 UTC 2018/09/07] [INFO] (jfrog.com/xray/mongo.EnsureDbSchema:248) Mongo schema initialization finished
[06:06:11 UTC 2018/09/07] [INFO] (jfrog.com/xray/xqueue/connector.connectToRabbitMQ:75) Rabbitmq connecting to uri: amqp://guest:?;W5.)lz?xaNRABBITMQ_URLJu6#{8JmI[d@xray-rdvgk-rabbitmq-ha:5672/
[06:06:11 UTC 2018/09/07] [EROR] (jfrog.com/xray/xqueue/connector.connectToRabbitMQ:78)
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[06:06:11 UTC 2018/09/07] [EROR] (jfrog.com/xray/xqueue/connector.connectToRabbitMQ:79) Error connecting to rabbit message queue amqp://guest:password@xray-rdvgk-rabbitmq-ha:5672/ check mq settings

I checked the password in commandline and admin console and it also failed. In a config file, it appeared that a blank password could have been set. However, I changed the password to the expected and verified it:

bash-4.4# rabbitmqctl change_password guest "password"
Changing password for user "guest" ...
bash-4.4# rabbitmqctl authenticate_user guest "password"
Authenticating user "guest" ...

Still XRay services couldn't connect.

I also noted that rabbitmq outputs a failed authentication to the logs but it doesn't when XRay fails to connect. So it could as well be a connectivity issue - however I tried netcat from another pod in the same namespace to rabbitmq and it worked, so the port should be reachable.

-- Tarnschaf

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