Knative: Run service on specific machine type


I'd occasionally like to run a processing-heavy job on demand. Knative serving seemed like a good fit since it can scale from/to zero pods.

Is it possible to specify a node pool or node selector for a Knative service? Or is there some other way to ensure pods are created with specific machine types? I couldn't find anything in the docs.

I'm using GKE.

EDIT: Open feature request (please upvote!)

-- Andreas Jansson

2 Answers


This has moved to this Knative issue, as the question doesn't seem to be GKE specific.

-- E. Anderson
Source: StackOverflow


It isn't currently possible to specify a node pool/selector while using knative, nor a way to ensure pods are created with a predefined machine type on knative.

I encourage you to file this as a feature request.

-- Aldo Andrade
Source: StackOverflow