Fetching rollouts failed Google Endpoints on Google Kubernetes Engine


This is the log I got from the pod on GKE.

esp Aug 29, 2018, 2:58:59 PM ERROR:Fetching rollouts failed (status code 403, reason Forbidden, url https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog/rollouts?filter=status=SUCCESS)

esp Aug 29, 2018, 2:58:57 PM INFO:Fetching the service config ID from the rollouts service

esp Aug 29, 2018, 2:58:57 PM INFO:Fetching an access token from the metadata service

I can see my endpoint service using:

gcloud endpoints configs list --service=myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog

2018-08-29r3 myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog

2018-08-29r2 myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog

2018-08-29r1 myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog

2018-08-29r0 myapp.endpoints.xxxxx.cloud.goog

I also have service permission enabled on my GKE cluster.

Service Control  Enabled
Service Management  Read Write
-- Harrison

2 Answers


For me I forgot to deploy swagger file to endpoints. After deploying endpoints it is fixed.

-- ismet özöztürk
Source: StackOverflow


It turned out I need create credentials for your service, even I'm on google kubernetes engine.

-- Harrison
Source: StackOverflow