How to remove specific release name


I try to delete a specific release name. i tried a lot thing but unfortunately without success. Do you know or may be an idea how i can remove it ?

karaf$/karaf            0.0.124         1.0             Karaf for kubernetes       
karaf/karaf             0.0.176         1.0             Karaf for kubernetes  
-- morla

1 Answer


i completly forget to say . when i tried with helm delete or with the tag --purge nothing change

helm search karaf
WARNING: Repo "local" is corrupt or missing. Try 'helm repo update'.NAME                        CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                
karaf$/karaf            0.0.124         1.0             Karaf for kubernetes       
karaf/karaf             0.0.177         1.0             Karaf for kubernetes       

# helm delete --purge karaf
Error: release: "karaf" not found

For the other chart it works perfectly. I dont have any problem .

-- morla
Source: StackOverflow