Helm Cannot Read Chart.yaml


I am trying to deploy Apache Nifi on Kubernetes using helm but when I execute this command:

helm install --name test-nifi --namespace nifi ./apache-nifi-helm

I immediately get an error saying:

Error: cannot read Chart.Yaml in directory "/home/mydir/test/apache-nifi"

And I have checked the directory and it certainly contains the Chart.Yaml file. I have cloned it from a GitHub Repo.

Am I making a mistake somewhere? Any help is greatly appreciated.

-- Cyber_Tron

2 Answers


You can

Clone repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:markap14/apache-nifi-helm.git

Run helm:

$ helm install --name test-nifi --namespace ${YOU_NAMESPACE} ./apache-nifi-helm/charts/zookeeper-0.4.2.tgz --tiller-namespace ${YOU_NAMESPACE}

-- Arslanbekov
Source: StackOverflow


I've also been getting the

 "cannot read Chart.Yaml in directory XYZ" error

from helm install in spite of the presence of a Chart.yaml file in the directory.

In the end it was other configuration problems (I had template in the 'charts' folder).

Hooray for the friendly error message!

-- earthling42
Source: StackOverflow