Kubernetes: Unable to access to kubernetes dashboard


I add bitnami.bitnami/rabbitmq into my acr.
In VSO release pipeline, I add 2 tasks kubectl run & expose, looks like below.

kubectl run rabbitmq --image xxxxxx.azurecr.io/bitnami.bitnami/rabbitmq:3.7.7 --port=15672
kubectl expose deployment rabbitmq --type=LoadBalancer --port=15672 --target-port=15672

After save and release it, everything is successful, but now I can't proxy into my dashboard using

az aks browse -g {groupname} -n {k8sname}

When I remove the above 2 task in my release, I able to connect to my dashboard. Can someone explain to me what going wrong, how to troubleshoot it.

-- Herman

1 Answer


You can check if the pods work well in your Azure Kubernetes Cluster. If everything is OK. Then you should make sure that if your current OS has the browser. The command az aks browse -g {groupname} -n {k8sname} need a browser to open the dashboard where it executes.

You can open the k8s dashboard in another OS with the command you posted after you get the credential with the command az aks get-credentials -g {groupname} -n {k8sname}. Of curse, you need to execute az login first.

If things above all are OK, you could try this link.

-- Charles Xu
Source: StackOverflow