Kubespray with bastion and custom SSH port + agent forwarding


Is it possible to use Kubespray with Bastion but on custom port and with agent forwarding? If it is not supported, what changes does one need to do?

-- kboom

2 Answers


In my case where I needed to access the hosts on particular ports, I just had to modify the host's ~/.ssh/config to be:

  ForwardAgent yes
  User root
  ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -p 44057 root@example.com

  ForwardAgent yes
  User root
  ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -p 44058 root@example.com

Where 10.40.* was the internal IPs.

-- Chris Stryczynski
Source: StackOverflow


Always, since you can configure that at three separate levels: via the host user's ~/.ssh/config, via the entire playbook with group_vars, or as inline config (that is, on the command line or in the inventory file).

The ssh config is hopefully straightforward:

Host 1.2.* *.example.com # or whatever pattern matches the target instances
  ProxyJump someuser@some-bastion:1234
  # and then the Agent should happen automatically, unless you mean
  # ForwardAgent yes

I'll speak to the inline config next, since it's a little simpler:

ansible-playbook -i whatever \
    -e '{"ansible_ssh_common_args": "-o ProxyJump=\"someuser@jump-host:1234\""}' \

or via the inventory in the same way:

master-host-0 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_common_args="-o ProxyJump='someuser@jump-host:1234'"

or via group_vars, which you can either add to an existing group_vars/all.yml, or if it doesn't exist then create that group_vars directory containing the all.yml file as a child of the directory containing your inventory file

If you have more complex ssh config than you wish to encode in the inventory/command-line/group_vars, you can also instruct the ansible-invoked ssh to use a dedicated config file via the ansible_ssh_extra_args variable:

ansible-playbook -e '{"ansible_ssh_extra_args": "-F /path/to/special/ssh_config"}' ...
-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow