Can't create a Kubernetes Service on Azure


I am unable to create a Kubernetes Service on Azure through the portal.

The steps I am taking are

MyResourceGroup -> Add+ -> Select 'Kubernetes Service' from the store.

I have filled in the form completely and all boxes are complete. All the fields that have the 'tick' icon have 'green ticks'. I am double checking every panel.

However when I click create I get an error at the bottom of the page with a red exclamation mark saying...

'Please fix the errors on this page before continuing.'

Any help would be appreciated.

-- Lenny D

3 Answers


The easy way is to use "Azure Cli"

az login    
az group create --name {nameofthegroup} --location southeastasia

Currently, aks is only available in this regions

Available location: eastus,westeurope,centralus,canadacentral,canadaeast,uksouth,westus,westus2,australiaeast,northeurope

-- Herman
Source: StackOverflow


@Lenny There are multiple tabs in the process, for example Basics, authentication etc. Which tab are you getting the error on? Make sure you have the right service principal added under the Authentication tab.

I reproduced the scenario and was able to create Kubernetes Service without any errors. I would recommend retrying it by following the step by step guide for creating a AKS service here.

Please make sure you see the Validation passed at the top, while on the Review + create tab as below:

enter image description here

Let me know if you still see errors.

-- Karishma Tiwari - MSFT
Source: StackOverflow


See comments in Karishma's post

Problem was the region. I was selecting 'UK South' once I selected 'West Europe' it went through

-- Lenny D
Source: StackOverflow