kubectl terminal command not working from crontab , how to fix?


I have below small python script

import os
os.system('kubectl get pods --context students-cmn')

when i run this command manually from terminal it is working , no issue , so i configured it to run as a cron job , but when cron job triggered getting below error

sh: kubectl: command not found

why , when the cronjob triggered , kubectl not working ?

can anyone please help

-- Bravo

2 Answers


i got the same issue when i tried to execute "kubectl" command into .sh/py file from CentOS 7 with cron. i could run script .sh/.py file manually and the output was fine. when i tried to set cron job with script, "kubectl" command could not be executed. it didnot generate any logs for cron events. if you dont mind, please support me.

crontab : * * * * * python /home/sanglv/kube-status.py >> /tmp/status.txt

kube-status.py file : #!/usr/bin/env python #ls command import os os.system('/usr/bin/kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --kubeconfig="/root/.kube/config"')

-- văn lê
Source: StackOverflow


First of all, I imagine you are planning on adding code to your python script and that that is why you use python. I assume you used the crontab of the user that can run the command.

When you execute a command in cron you must specify the full path to the command. To find the full path to kubectl, you issue the following in Terminal:

which kubectl

It will print the full path.

Then, you edit your script (assuming the full path is "/opt/Kubernetes/bin"):

import os
os.system('/opt/Kubernetes/bin/kubectl get pods --context students-cmn')
-- thecarpy
Source: StackOverflow