I try to run GitLab CI for private GitLab instance with Kubernetes at GCP following this instruction.
I got IP of Kubernetes master with kubectl cluster-info
Then I created ServiceAccount with kubectl, and also get token with command kubectl describe secret/SERVICEACCOUNT-XXXXX
Then I got the certificate with
kubectl -o json get secret SERVICEACCOUNT-XXXXX | jq -r '.data."ca.crt"' | base64 -d - | tee ca.crt
I inserted IP, token and ca.crt content in the Kubernetes integration fields for "Add an existing Kubernetes cluster" command at GitLab.
After that, I tried to install Helm at GitLab, but get an error
Something went wrong while installing Helm Tiller
Kubernetes error: Unauthorized
Can you help me, please, to find out how to solve these problems?
Not 100% for gitlab CI but if its building inside the cluster then maybe this https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/
RBAC is enabled by default on GKE so you may need to set cluster role permissions for Gitlab so it can spin up containers.