Get name of most recently created pod


In OpenShift, is there a more elegant way of obtaining the name of the most recently created pod in application my_app than this one?

name=$(oc get pods -l app=my_app -o=jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{.status.startTime}{"\t"}{}{"\n"}{end}' | sort -r | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')

The idea is to sort by .status.startTime and to output one So far, I have not been successful in using oc get with both options --sort-by and -o jsonpath at the same time, so I have fallen back to Unix pipes in this version.

I am using OpenShift v3.9. I am also tagging this question for Kubernetes because it presumably applies to kubectl (instead of oc) in an analogous manner (without the -l app=my_app).

-- rookie099

2 Answers


Try this:

kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}"
-- Alexey Yakunin
Source: StackOverflow


On Kubernetes front, kubectl get po --sort-by=.status.startTime is supposed to work, except in K8s 1.7: it was fixed for 1.8.

"Kubernetes sort pods by age" also mentions

kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

Since Openshift 3.9 (March 2018) is fairly recent, those kubectl commands should work even if the oc one is not fully compatible.

-- VonC
Source: StackOverflow