Not able to access service on minikube cluster| Istio


Startup Logs of Pod I am not able to access a spring boot service on my minikube cluster. On my local machine,I configured minikube cluster and built the docker image of my service. My service contains some simple REST endpoints.

I configured minikube to take my local docker image or should I say pull my docker image. But now when I do

kubectl get services -n istio-system

I get the below services kubectl get services|Services list in minkube cluster | Kubectl get pods all namespaces | Kubectl describe service

I am trying to access my service through below command

minikube service producer-service --url which gives

I have a ping URL in my service so ideally I should be getting response by hitting

I am not getting any response here. Can you guys please let me know what I am missing here?

-- Abhilash Padhee

1 Answer


The behaviour you describe would suggest a port mapping problem. Is your Spring boot service on the default port of 8080? Does the internal port of your Service match the port the Spring boot app is running on (it'll be in your app startup logs). The port in your screenshot seems to be 8899. It's also possible your pod is in a different namespace from your service. It would be useful to include your app startup logs and the output of 'kubectl get pods --all-namespaces', and 'kubectl describe service producer-service'.

-- Ryan Dawson
Source: StackOverflow