Anonymous access to Kibana Dashboard (K8s Cluster)


I deployed HA K8s Cluster with 3 masters & 2 worker Nodes. I access my K8s Dashboard through kubectl client(local), kubectl proxy. My K8s Dashboard is accessed through tokens by some RBAC users, where they have limited access on namespaces & Cluster admin users. I want to give anonymous access to all my users for viewing the deployment logs i.e., to Kibana Dashboard(Add-on). Can anyone help me regarding this?

Below, I specified the required artifacts that are running on my cluster with their versions:

  • K8s version: 1.8.0

  • kibana: 5.6.4

  • elasticsearch-logging : 5.6.4

-- manoj kumar

1 Answer


You can try creating a ClusterRoleBinding for some specific users. In my case, I am using LDAP authentication for accessing the Kubernetes API. I have assigned admin privileges to some users and readonly access to some specific users. Refer to the ClusterRoleBinding yaml below: kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: oidc-readonly-binding roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: system:aggregate-to-view subjects: - kind: User name:

I am using dex tool for the LDAP authentication. You can try giving the RBAC username directly.

-- priyanka sharma
Source: StackOverflow